Become a member

Become a member and support us with your time. Fill in the membership application with our online form still today.

Donation platforms

Every donation counts and helps us to carry out our next projects.

Charity Shopping

Charity Shopping combines online shopping and donating. You can support us with every purchase you make. Get more information about the supported platforms below and check what you have to to that we earn a commision of the shops.

In the meantime, a huge amount of shops participate in charity shopping for example Deutsche Bahn, OTTO, bü,, IKEA and Lufthansa.

1. Register and login

2. Select organization “Elektriker ohne Grenzen e.V.”

3. Press like button
(optional, for better convenience)

4. Select shop

5. Go shopping

6. Elektriker ohne Grenzen receives a commission

1. Register and login (optional, for better convenience)

2. Select organization Verein “Elektriker ohne Grenzen e.V.”

3. Select shop

4. Go shopping

5. Elektriker ohne Grenzen receives a comission


You can find a detailed description of the offer at the official AmazonSmile background information.

1. Login with an existing Amazon account

2. Select organization “Elektriker ohne Grenzen e.V.”

3. Go shopping

4. Elektriker ohne Grenzen receives a commision of 0,5% of the purchase amount

Social Media


Support us on Facebook by liking our web page

Donation account

Support us with a donation on our banking account.

Elektriker ohne Grenzen e.V
Evangelische Bank eG
DE25 5206 0410 0005 0110 60

Purpose: Projektarbeit

Donation with GiroCode

Spenden GiroCode